Thursday, June 28, 2012

Cartoons - The 3 "R"s

Last summer there were a number of images that were floating around in my head. 
I wish I could draw.

One image that comes to mind is a drawing of a classroom.  At the front stands Miss Liberty and Uncle Sam.  On the board, is written:
   The 3 "R"s
   1) Rights

Miss Liberty and Uncle Sam are standing, helplessly watching, as the kids break out into a brawl.  The kids are yelling at each other 'My Rights!', 'My Rights!' as they fight.  And Miss Liberty asks Uncle Sam 'But what about "Respect" and "Responsibility"?'

To me, all three are equally important, at all levels of our society.
In our communities.
In our businesses.
In our government.

And no picking and choosing when or where the 3 "R"s are applied.
They are for all people, all the time.
Not only in receiving them for ourselves, but also in giving them to others.

Monday, June 18, 2012

In Over My Head ... Again!

Almost everyone has had moments when they've gotten involved in something, and then realized they've taken on more than they knew how to do.   My latest run in with this started with my daughter's 9th grade orientation.

We were walking around the different tables, learning about all the different after school activities and clubs she could join.  Now, she's much more the arts type of person when it comes to after school pursuits.  Her interest in technology has been more how to use something than in how it works.  So when she said that she was interested in joining the robotics team, I didn't think anything would come of it.  Out of all the activities she could have joined, robotics was the only one she did.  And she wants to do it again! (Good for her!)

I spent the year trying to learn how the team worked, and chauffeuring kids to the competitions.  At the end of the season, I decided to help with mentoring on the business side of things.  (I have little business experience, but even less technical!)  A few weeks after I became a mentor, the team was discussing setting up Lego robotics teams in the middle schools.  Some force propelled me up, and I volunteered!  As I was sitting back down, my inner voice was yelling "What Did I Just DO??!!!!"  I know nothing about how to setup or run a team (though I've read tons about it since). I'm not the 'step in and take charge' kind of person.  I know how to corral my kids - but adults and other peoples' kids??   But I am going to do this!  This is my son's middle school, and when I told him what I had volunteered to do, he was so excited he was literally jumping up and down!  His interests are in how things are put together and creating new stuff.  And he would join the high school team right now if he could.

So, as far as I can tell, my future is going to be very busy.  Mentoring one middle school team and one high school team is going to be a challenge.  Thankfully they have different competition seasons, with the middle school being first.  But the teams are active year round.  It's going to be a lot of work, and a lot of learning (business and technical), but most importantly a lot of fun with my kids!

Friday, June 1, 2012

The Dustbunnies Are Coming!

I love opening the house every spring.  When it gets warm enough, I start to crave re-connecting the inside of the house with the outside.  I start thinking about gardening.  The kids start thinking about the end of school.  The cats start sitting in the windows.  And the dustbunnies start to come out of hibernation.  Now I generally think I'm a decent house keeper.  I sweep out from under things, and from behind doors, and I find a few of the critters during the winter.  But Spring lets me know I've got a long way to go before this house is ever found in 'Better Homes and Gardens'!  Every spring, the dustbunnies come out and scurry across the floor, being chased by the breezes - and me.